How To Donate
All donations are spent here at Yeovil hospital and go directly into improving facilities and services. We would prefer to use your donation wherever it is most needed, but if you want to, you can include a note specifying where you would most like your donation to be used.
There is some information below on how to give, but don’t forget that you can also give when you are at the hospital. There are donation envelopes at the entrance to each ward and if you want to speak to someone about donating, just ask any member of staff to contact the fundraising team.

Donate Online
You can donate right here on our website using a credit/debit card. You will be prompted though a series of questions including where you would like your donation to go and your reason for donating.
Send us a Cheque
Download our donation form below. Please complete the form and enclose this with your cheque before sending to us. Cheques should be made payable to Yeovil Hospital Charity.
Our address is:
Yeovil Hospital Charity,
Higher Kingston,
BA21 4AT
Bank Transfer
You can transfer funds directly to us from your bank account. Download our donation form. Please complete and send to us so we can identify your donation.
Give us a Call
We can take card donations over the phone, and can also help you with any other queries you might have. Our office is open Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm, however feel free to leave a message at any time and we will get back to you.
The number to call is: 01935 383020
Become a Regular Giver
Become a Hospital Champion by donating to Yeovil hospital every month. Regular donations make it easier for us to plan improvements to the hospital. This means that more local people will benefit from a better equipped hospital with better facilities and services.
Download a direct debit form below.
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